Quick Results, Happy Homes.

Imagine having a dedicated spot to keep every single item you keep in your home - eliminating the time wasted searching for missing items or money spent re-purchasing things you already own. Would it make things easier if every family member could easily participate in the upkeep of your new organization systems? What if you didn’t have to feel guilty or overwhelmed by organizational projects and you could just move on to more important things?

At The Happy Space, our time-tested philosophy is that an organized and clutter-free home changes the lives of the people living under its roof.  When order is created, it frees up time for creativity, productivity, relaxation, and quality time with loved ones.

Courtney Lewis and Jordan Moore

About the Organizers

With backgrounds in interior design and project management, Courtney Lewis and Jordan Moore collaborate with their clients to create customized Happy Spaces. They specialize in practical organizing solutions, decluttering, and establishing systems that help you live a more peaceful life. Clients report that hiring The Happy Space has reduced their stress, saved them time and money, and increased their productivity.